Prep Phase Refill True Cellular Detox (TCD)


True Cellular Detox: Prep Phase #943 - 30 day supply

Prepare the cellular purification and downstream purification pathways for safe and effective elimination: establish methylation, nourish cellular receptors, reseed the gut with high potency probiotics, support optimal liver and kidney function.


MORNING: Take 1 "Morning Packet" with or without food.

AFTERNOON: Take 1 "Afternoon Packet" with or without food.

Supplements used in this phase include Vista 1 & 2, MoRs, eNRG, MBC, L-Liver, and K-Kidney.

**Important Note:

-Increase the amount of liquids you drink each day while taking this product

-Do not open box from top.  Please use the provided perforated, eay pull tab located on the front of the box.

-Package duration is at practitioner discretion.

-Full package may be repeated by direction of a practitioner.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Dr. Barbara Jennings

Health Summit Wellness Chiropractic

126 W Harvard St., Suite 5, Fort Collins, CO 80525

[email protected]

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